Sunday, 1 April 2012

Palm Sunday

The Museum Vimy Night Fundraiser was a success.  It is amazing to see people arrive early to help with the setting up and organizing of the event.    Only oopsie we had was we forgot to pour the cream into the cream pitchers.    If that was the only thing we forgot,  that is awesome.     A huge thank you to 26 Fd Regt,   Sgt Lacerte,  Brandon and Virden Cadets,  26 Fd Regt Pipe and Drum Band,  and all the Museum Volunteers.   A great evening!

This Holy Week,  we will be reading the journey of Christ from Sacrifice to Eternal Life from the Gospel of St. Matthew.  The Opening Prayer will be a Lenten – Holy Week Hymn.  Remember that Hymns are Prayers put to music.   Often our Churches don’t sing Lenten –Holy Week Hymns but they are so important as part of what Holy Week is all about.   Let us journey together from the singing of Hosannas through the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross to the Glorious Resurrection.  

Let us begin in prayer:   Ride on,  ride on in majesty hark all the tribes Hosanna cry.  O Saviour meek, pursue thy road with palms and scattered garments strewed.  Ride on, ride on in majesty, in lowly pomp ride on to die.  O Christ, thy triumphs now begin o’er captive death and conquered sin.  Ride on, ride on in majesty, the angel hosts beyond the sky, look down with sad and wondering eyes to see the approaching sacrifice.   Ride on, ride on in majesty,  the last and fiercest strife is nigh.  Thy Father on the sapphire throne expects thee, loved, anointed Son.  Ride on, ride on in majesty, in lowly pomp ride on to die.  Bow thy meek head to mortal pain, then take, O God, thy power and reign.   Amen.  (Words:  Henry Hart Milman 1791-1868.  Words Public Domain)

Composed by The Rev. Dr. Emily K. Bisset
Produced by Presbyterian World Service & Development

Leader: When the anointed of the Lord comes to fulfill the covenant,
will we recognize him?
People: Will he find us despairing, cynical and power-hungry?
Leader: Or will he find us living in peace and hope and love?
People: May we stand ready to receive Christ in humility,
praise and trust.
Leader: May the God of hosannas save us this day.
People: May Christ’s humility govern our thoughts, words
and actions.
Leader: May the Holy Spirit breathe on us with life and strength anew.
People: May we be lifted up in faith by the God of covenant and change.

Many blessings

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