Yet, what is a holiday anyway? A holy time. A time of taking oneself away from their normal everyday lives and exploring God's world. A time to rejoice in God's presence. We can actually do that in our own homes. Turn off the phones, unplug the TV, and enjoy God's presence through reading, meditating, taking a spiritual development course, or quilting to name a few.
Shameless advertising....Advertising: Spiritual Practices Workshop on “Proclamation”. How to share the Good News of Christ with our Family, our Friends, and our Neighbours. Cost is free. Lunch is provided! (Wow!) RSVP the Tuesday before the event you wish to attend to Glenn at or 204-728-7665.
Westwood Presbyterian Church,
What to bring with you: Bible, Notebook, pen. Invite your family and friends and neighbours to this free event.
Yesterday I attempted to create the second window of the Cathedral Window quilt I've been working on for over three years. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the original squares I thought were 8 1/2" were actually 9". Ooopsie. So now I have two Cathedral Window sections that are two different sizes. What to do? Snort with laughter at one's stupidity of not leaving the size of the squares in with the project and hammering the completed Window onto a wall. I will continue the Cathedral Window quilt with the smaller size squares. Humm, I wonder if Christopher Wren had this same problem with St. Paul's Cathedral :)
Great God, we come before You today in prayer. We come burdened with problems and You give us rest. You take our burdens and make them Yours and give us rest for our souls. We lift up to You today in prayer the Workshop in Proclaiming God’s Good News to our Family, our Friends, and our Neighbours. Be with our Graduating Student from the Presbytery of Brandon Kathryn Bretzlaff as she seeks out God’s calling. Be with the Summer Students in Winnipegosis, Kenora Fellowship Centre and Geraldton. Holy, Holy, Holy God, be with those who will be leading in worship tomorrow. Prepare all our hearts to be opened to You this day as we live in Your Word and work. This we ask in Jesus name. Amen.
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