Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Amazing Tuesday

Last night was the official end of the Museum online course called, "Condition Assessments".   This course was all about how to write up a Condition Report for each artefact that enters or leaves a Museum.     Basically the Report writes up what the artefact looks like and notes if there is any damage.     You know,   I think as a meditative idea,  we should write up Condition Assessments on ourselves and our life's journey in Christ.     It would certainly be eye opening.   One would have to list all the good things about one's self and then list what is "damaged".   After the Report is written to spend time in prayer.    
Of course,  the Great Christians in our past have already had this same thoughts which have become Ignation Retreats,   Silent Retreats,  to name a few.
Today think about all the good things about your life and your family!

Tuesday Retreat.....
Prayer:  Great God,  You are our Creator and Redeemer and Sustainer.  We give You thanks and praise that You have created us to be who You want us to be.  We rejoice that we can live this day in Your presence and we worship You with gratitude and celebration.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Read:  St. Matthew 12:  46 - 50

These verses always seem odd.  Mary the Mother of Jesus and his brothers come to visit Jesus.   Instead of Jesus hopping right up and going to be with his family,   Jesus responds by saying to the crowd, “Who do you think are my mother and brothers?  Look closely.”  Jesus points to the disciples and says, “These are my mother and brothers.  Obedience is thicker than blood.  The person who obeys my heavenly Father’s will is my brother and sister and mother” Huh?   Does Jesus ignore his family?   Some  Scholars state that Jesus is making the point that because the Disciples left their own families to follow Jesus,  they are his family.    Some Scholars state that Jesus was actually including everyone who obeys  God’s  will is his mother and brother and sister.  
Think of Jesus’ explanation this way.  We have our birth family but we also have our Church family and our Community family and our friends (family).   Family  is the group of people that we care about and will help out.  Jesus extends this understanding by saying that everyone who obeys God’s will  is family.  How neat!

Prayer:   Christ has Risen!  Christ has Risen indeed!   Christ took all our sins upon himself and gave us Eternal Life.   Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your peace.   As we live out our life in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “What have I done for Christ?”    “What am I doing for Christ today?”  What ought I to do for You today”?    Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  grant us Your love.   Amen

Many blessings!

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