Monday, 24 September 2012

Monday - blessings

Prayer:  Great God,  You call us to worship You this day.  We come before You this day in joy and praise.  We live in presence knowing that it is Your love that sustains us in our work and worship.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Read:  Exodus 14:  26- 31


The Dismissal….


Charge to the People



The “Word and Sacrament” study book of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1987)   pg. 60 – 61,  states that God, who calls us together to worship now sends us forth in service.  The dismissal is brief and direct,  preparing the people of God to return to daily life in the world.  The direction is outward.  …. The Charge to the people is based on a sentence of Scripture… this is God’s  commission to the people to live as servants of Christ and faithful witnesses in the world.  The charge may be announced by the minister, an elder or other appointed member of the  congregation.”

The Benediction or blessing is said by the Minister facing the people.  Sometimes the Minister raises both hands or just one hand… this is in remembrance of Moses raising his hands to open the Red Sea, find water,  and ask for God’s  protection for God’s chosen people. The Minister raises his/her hands over the congregation.    Only a Minister can bless the congregation. A blessing is a sacred symbol of the Church.   If an Elder or Lay Preacher is leading worship,  then they can not bless the congregation but can say something like this, “Together let us go out into the world knowing that the love of God will follow us all the days of our life.” 

Everyone then sings “Amen”… so be it!

The congregation goes out of the Church after saying a prayer of thanks for worship today and listening to the organist/pianist/worship team play music which sends God’s people out in joy.


Prayer:   Almighty God,  grant that the words we have heard this day with our ears may be grafted onto our hearts through Your grace, that they may produce in us the fruit of a good life, to praise and honour of Your name,  through Jesus Christ our Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.  Amen  (PCC-USA  “The Service for the Lord’s  Day”  Westminster Press, 1984.  Prayer #246). 

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