Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tuesday - the Worship Decree

Prayer:  We thank You  Holy God,  that You guide and lead us in our lives.  Help us to remember each day that You are  present and always with us.   Be with us in our work and worship of You this day.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read  Acts 18: 1 – 11

In the Scripture reading today,  we read that Paul is in Corinth and is attempting to tell those in the synagogue about Jesus.  But those in the synagogue oppose Paul and become abusive.   Did Paul get discouraged and stop preaching about the life and love of Jesus?  No,  not at all.  Paul then began to preach of Christ to the Gentiles.    God appeared to Paul in a dream and said, “Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, do not be silent.  For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”   And so those in Corinth began to believe in the life of the resurrected Christ.    The Christian community in Corinth began to grow and share the love of Jesus.

When do we worship?  From the beginning of the early Church,  we have gathered for worship each Sunday after work.   When Constantine became Emperor of Rome,  he decreed that Worship was to occur on Sundays.  In 321 AD,  Constantine closed the Courts of Law and placed restrictions upon working hours of slave labour.  Over time,  worship became Sundays at  11:00am.   Why 11am you ask?     Worship hour became 11:00am because it was between milking times for farmers. 

Prayer:   Holy God,  You ask us to keep on speaking about the love and life of Jesus Christ.   You tell us continually that You are with us.  Thank You for Your presence in our lives so that we can share this love with others.  Help us today to teach others of Your Word.   In Your Son’s glorious name.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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