Thursday, 20 September 2012

Thursday - living God-centred lives

Prayer:  Almighty God, in Jesus Christ You taught us to pray, and promised that what we ask in His name will be given us.  Guide us by Your Holy Spirit, that our prayers for others may serve Your will and show Your steadfast love,  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Read:  St. John 1: 1 - 18

The Word Proclaimed….
The Sermon
Prayer after the Sermon
Prayers of the People

The Sermon illumines the Word of God  by  providing biblical understanding so that we can live full God-centered  lives as Christians.   Sermons are preached to give the listener something to think about each week.   But most importantly,  the preaching of God’s Holy word must  fill each Christian with hope.
The writing of the Sermon takes time.  The Minister or Preacher must read the Scriptures over and over again,  must meditate upon the Scriptures,  must pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring inspiration of God’s most Holy Word to the people.   Sermon preparation begins a week before the Sermon is preached.  Writing Sermons the day before Sunday does not allow the Holy Spirit time to guide the Minister to the words needed for the people of God.  

After the Sermon is preached,  the Preacher will pray a prayer that the Word of God has sunk into our hearts and minds and souls and that we do something with what we have heard in the Sermon each week.  

The Prayers of the People are  offered to God for people who need healing or  wholeness as well as being times of joy and enthusiasm.   These prayers are not just for the Church but we pray outwardly for those who need prayers in our community,  country, and world.  This is called interceding for the world and its peoples.  
Prayer:  Loving God,  in Jesus Christ You teach us to pray and to present our petitions to You in His name.  Guide us by Your Holy Spirit, that our prayers for others may serve Your will and show Your steadfast love for all.  Creator God,  you made all things and called them good.  May Your planet earth be held in reverence by all people.  Gracious God,  You have called us together to be Your Church and may we be one in faith and discipleship.  Eternal Ruler,  be with those who are in need of You this day.  Accept the prayers of Your people, and strengthen us to do Your will,  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. (Word and Sacrament, PCC,  1987).

Many blessings!

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