Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Wednesday - Worship and Fellowship

Prayer:  No matter what we do,  O Lord,  You tell us that each day is a new day in Your sight.   Thank You O Lord for each new day.   May we remember that it was on the first day of the week that Jesus rose again.... a new day in Your sight.  Grant us Your healing so that with each new day,  we can share Your Gospel with all your people. This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read:  Acts 2: 42 – 47

The early Christians devoted themselves to the apostles’  teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  They would meet in the temple courts and in homes of fellow believers.    The first day of the week became a time of remembering that it was on the first day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead.  On the first day of the week,  God created.  The first day of the week was a day of new beginning.  This day became known as the “Lord’s Day”. 
As Christians today,  we think that an hour sitting in Church is our Worship.  But here in the Scripture lesson for the day,  we discover that the Worship of God also involves fellowship.   Fellowship is the sharing of a meal together. 

Fellowship is a time of learning more about fellow believers.   In some Churches today,  the “time of Fellowship” is that awkward time after worship where one moves from the sanctuary to another place in the Church building to find juice or coffee and perhaps a cookie.    The time of fellowship  that the Apostles talk about is a meal.   Over a meal,  one shares one’s weekly experiences with others.   Together,  the community of believers learn more about each other and can sustain each other in Christian love.    Sitting down together over a meal provides hospitality for the People of God.

Think back to the last time your congregation sat down together to share a meal (a free meal!).   If it has been more than two months,  it is time to approach the Session and suggest a time of fellowship is needed.     Food for thought (pun intended) :)

Prayer:   Great God,  we come before You with glad and sincere hearts.  We praise You and enjoy living a life in Your presence.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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