Prayer: Lord of history, of time and space, we would follow Your presence and worship You. As we study the past may we come to serve You more perfectly in the present. Amen.
Read St. Matthew 18: 19 – 20
Jesus says where two or three are gathered, Jesus is in the midst of us. Our primary focus as a Church is to Worship. Frequently we forget that worship is our primary focus… or we get discouraged when only a few people show up for worship. Yet Jesus says where two or three are gathered together, Jesus is with us. How neat is the promise that no matter how many worship together, we worship a God of love and joy.
In 1987, The Worship Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Canada put together a book called “Word and Sacrament”. This was a study book that brought together a team of amazing Presbyterians to update the 1964 “Book of Common Worship”. Through years of work and study, the Worship Committee was tasked with giving shape to how we worship and praise God within the Presbyterian Church of Canada.
The task was not to dictate that all Ministers and Sessions should use the same words each week in Worship but to guide the Church toward a common form of Worship.
By the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and through our worship, we are called into being the people of God. Through worship, we are sustained in the life of God and then we go forth into the world to bring the love of God into our community.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that several (okay... a lot) of ministers are struggling. With worship in mind.... do this Spiritual Worship Exercise each day for one week. When we worship God, we are sustained by God. In fact, join with two other people and go through this Spiritual Worship Exercise every day this week.
Time of Prayer.....
Prayer: Divine Healing God, please move through every part of my
body and mind, dissolving all feelings, thoughts, and patterns of frustration,
irritation and aggravation. Please sweep away all impatience, struggle and suffering
that resides in my consciousness. Allow me, O Lord, to turn my frustration
into inspiration and enthusiastic action. Help to steer me in the direction where
my actions will become actualized so that I can experience satisfaction with all
my accomplishments. Thank You Holy God. Thank You Holy Mighty One.
Thank You Holy Immortal One.
Divine Healing Creator, embrace me with Your radiant gold beam of
satisfaction, happiness, contentment, and delight. Allow me to freel confident
that I am moving in the perfect direction for my life. Help me to recognize and celebrate
all the wonder things I have achieved, all the magnificient people with whom I
have connected and all the rich experiences I have lived. As I recognize the
grandness of my life, I feel truly blessed. Thank You Holy God. Thank You
Holy Redeemer. Thank You Holy Sustainer. This I ask in Your name. Amen.
Time of Reflection.....
Write down in a note book that you will use for this week, three
things that you are thankful for each day. These do not need to be huge
events or large things but just three things you are thankful for each day.
Prayer of Affirmation:
Great God, I love and accept myself exactly as I am. You have created me
to be a worthwhile and capable person. You have given me my health and I am
full of Your energy. Everything I touch is a success. I prosper wherever I go.
I deserve the best and I accept the best now from You, O Lord. I now attract
positive healthy people into my life. I now attract wonderful new opportunities
into my life. I increasingly see the positive in every situation. I now move
beyond past limitations and now become all that You have created me to be.
You have made my life simple and easy. I am greatful for everything already
in my life. You have made me Yours. This I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer: Divine Healing God, please move through every part of my
body and mind, dissolving all feelings, thoughts, and patterns of frustration,
irritation and aggravation. Please sweep away all impatience, struggle and suffering
that resides in my consciousness. Allow me, O Lord, to turn my frustration
into inspiration and enthusiastic action. Help to steer me in the direction where
my actions will become actualized so that I can experience satisfaction with all
my accomplishments. Thank You Holy God. Thank You Holy Mighty One.
Thank You Holy Immortal One.
Divine Healing Creator, embrace me with Your radiant gold beam of
satisfaction, happiness, contentment, and delight. Allow me to freel confident
that I am moving in the perfect direction for my life. Help me to recognize and celebrate
all the wonder things I have achieved, all the magnificient people with whom I
have connected and all the rich experiences I have lived. As I recognize the
grandness of my life, I feel truly blessed. Thank You Holy God. Thank You
Holy Redeemer. Thank You Holy Sustainer. This I ask in Your name. Amen.
Time of Reflection.....
Write down in a note book that you will use for this week, three
things that you are thankful for each day. These do not need to be huge
events or large things but just three things you are thankful for each day.
Prayer of Affirmation:
Great God, I love and accept myself exactly as I am. You have created me
to be a worthwhile and capable person. You have given me my health and I am
full of Your energy. Everything I touch is a success. I prosper wherever I go.
I deserve the best and I accept the best now from You, O Lord. I now attract
positive healthy people into my life. I now attract wonderful new opportunities
into my life. I increasingly see the positive in every situation. I now move
beyond past limitations and now become all that You have created me to be.
You have made my life simple and easy. I am greatful for everything already
in my life. You have made me Yours. This I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer: Give us love O God, for the communities in which we live and move, and serve, that we may know the joy of living for You O Christ. Help us to worship You knowing that You sustain us in our walk with You. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
Many blessings!
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