Saturday, 1 September 2012

Saturday -- Why do we Worship

This month,  we will be looking at Worship.   Worshipping God together each Sunday is the most important thing that we do as Christians.  Each Sunday we sit in the pews or stand at the pulpit or sit in the choir loft or gather up our Bible to teach Sunday School and know that worship begins with quiet prayer,  call to worship,  some hymns,  some more prayers,  a sermon, offering, some more prayers, and benediction.  But do you really know why we worship in this style?   Quakers come together in worship and sit in silence.   So,  why do we as Presbyterians worship the way we do?    We hope and pray that this month’s devotional will answer the question of why  we worship the way we do.

Saturday Preparation for Sunday.....
Prayer:  Great God,  open our minds and hearts and souls to Your Word this very day.  We thank You that You are our well spring of life.  Help us to abide by Your Word.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Living Faith states that “the Church lives to praise God.  We have no higher calling than to offer the worship that belongs to God day by day, Sunday by Sunday.”  Living Faith 7.3.1

We live to praise God.  We have no higher calling than to worship God each and every day.   Worship is what sustains us as Christians.  

Pray: Dear God, prepare our hearts for Worship tomorrow.  Open our minds to Your understanding so that we may walk in Your presence. Be with Kildonan Community Church as they celebrate 200 years of Worshp and Mission in Your name next Sunday.   May Your Holy Spirit be upon those who are preaching tomorrow. May we live to praise You in all that we do and say, in our walk with You this day.  Amen.

Many blessings!

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