Friday, 4 January 2013

Friday - Guide us O Lord

Prayer:      Guide us this day,  O Lord,  by Your Light – Your Shining Star.   As the Wise Men were guided by Your star,  guide our hearts so that we too can bow down in humble worship of the Christ Child.   Amen.

Read St. Luke  6: 22

“Blessed are you when men hate you,  when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man”  (NIV – Zondervan)

Goodness.   In this generation,  there is much concern about bullying.  And here in the daily Scripture is just that…. Jesus’ teachings on being bullied.    Jesus says to the crowd that they are blessed when someone cuts them down or smears their good name to discredit Jesus. Ah,  there is the key to this verse.   Blessed are people who get insulted because of their love of Jesus.     
This means that those who love  Christ must stand out in the crowd as someone who is different.   Our lives must reflect the love and compassion of Christ.   Frequently Christians get  pointed out because we make others uncomfortable.    As Christians,  it is our responsibility to maintain a high standard of love and sharing…. of  keeping ourselves responsible.     Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were the one to say, “We must do what is right!” only to have everyone else vote no and take the easy route out?   Yup,   Christian responsibility.  
Now,  being responsible to the Gospel does not mean being a thorn in everyone’s side… but it does mean that we must be an example in our community.  We must live our lives so that other’s  say, “Wow,  there is a person who follows Christ!”

The Wise Men followed the star to Bethlehem.   Did they know that they would find a little boy?   Or were they convinced that they would worship a King?     But follow the star they did with determination and compassion.  And when they finally came to the house of Joseph,  they knelt down in great awe before the Christ child.        As we come nearer to the day of Epiphany,  remember to follow Christ with great awe and compassion and love.  

Prayer:  Your Light and Your love guides each and every one of us from the darkness and shadows of night into the brightness of day.    Throw Your radiance over those who are hated and insulted  and rejected because of Your name.    Guide each of us on our life’s  journey so that we can lead others to Your glory.   This we ask in the name of the Christ Child,  our Saviour.  Amen.

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