Thursday, 3 January 2013

Thursday - bringing gifts

Prayer:   Divine Healer,  open our hearts to be healing and generous hearts.   Holy God, open our minds so that we can take into action the wisdom of the Scriptures.  Great God, open our eyes to see what is needed to be completed today in Your name.  This we ask through Your great compassion and love.  Amen.

Read  St. Luke  6: 21

“Blessed are you who hunger now,  for you will be satisfied.  Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh”  (NIV- Zondervan)

During the Christmas Season,  we saw Ads from non-profit organizations that requested your money to help feed the hungry.   Food Banks and Christmas Hampers are shared within communities.   Workers and Volunteers spent thousands of hours preparing Christmas Hampers so that those who are poor could have food around their table during the Christmas season.      We were asked to spend money and donate.   But is money the only answer to feeding those who are hungry?   Money certainly isn’t the only answer but it is the easiest.  In today’s  society  we tend to just do things that are easiest for us.  While giving money is good,  it doesn’t get us involved with the families and individuals who are hungry.    Our compassion and love to help others grows when we can put a name on hunger.    Our compassion and love to help others grows when we can put a name on those who mourn and weep.

What about our Church’s  priorities in helping feed those who are hungry and helping those who weep?    As Annual Reports come out within the next month,  have a look at the finances.    If heating the Church and insuring the Church building is more than what the Church gives to Mission then something is very wrong indeed.

The Wise Men brought gold and frankincense and myrrh.  These three gifts weren’t just for the immediate but gifts that could be used through Jesus’ whole life.    Gold was (and still is) a currency.   Frankincense is a resin that was used/is used  at the Altar of Incense in the Temple.     Frankincense is used as well  for healing of digestion problems.    Myrrh is also a resin.   Myrrh too has healing properties and helps with blood restoration.  Myrrh was used with Frankincense at the Altar of Incense as well as being anointed on the body in preparation for burial.
Today  what gift, that will last a life time, will you bring to the Christ Child and to those who hunger and to those who weep?

Prayer:  Great God,  help us to discern today what gift we can share with those who hunger and those who weep.    Holy God,  we come before You now with hearts ready to do Your work here on earth.     Divine Healer,  rebuild our bodies and minds and souls so that we can serve You all the days of our life.  This we ask in the name of the Christ Child.  Amen.

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