Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Wednesday - The Golden Rule

Prayer:  Great God,  the prophet Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would come and be a light to lighten our dark world.   Jesus Christ,  Light of the World,  grant us Your light.  Great God,  You guided the Wisemen from the east by a star so that they would bend down and worship Your Son.  Jesus Christ,  Lord of the World,  grant that we may worship You with awe and delight.    Holy Spirit,  guide us light the Wisemen who brought precious gifts to the Infant King.  Jesus Christ,  Saviour of the World,  grant that we may  bring our most precious gifts to You this day.    Amen.

Read  St. Luke  6:  30 - 31

The Golden Rule.   Do unto others as you would have done unto them.   Verse 31 is often called “the Golden Rule”.     We used to learn about this rule in Sunday School.   While we call this “the Golden Rule”,  no where in the Bible does it state that this verse is a rule.   In St Luke,  this is the section where Jesus is instructing the disciples on how to love their enemies.    So,  how did St Luke 6: 31  get the name of “The Golden Rule”?

“Do to others as you would have them do to you”   has been a statement of ethics for over 4000 years from the Egyptians to Aristotle to most world religions.    It was in the early 1800’s  that the title “Golden RULE”  began in literature in England and USA.   The Golden Rule in literature was primarily used in the USA with the ‘get rid of slavery’ movement.

Yet,  what about this portion of scripture is important for us as Christians today?   It is important because as Christians,  Jesus instructs us to love our enemies… or to love those who don’t like us… or to love those who tick us off… or to love those who just aren’t loveable just like we want to be loved.     Love is God and if we don’t reach out to others in love,  then our hearts will be hardened.   Keep your life focussed upon the love of God.  Then you will be happy and blessed of God.

We have a friend who is 87 years old.  Mary has been a lively part of the Church since her birth but now she is no longer able to get out into the community.  She is no longer able to get to Church.   Most of her days are spent in her room.    Yet,  when ever we talk to her,  she is happy and joyous.   When we asked how come she is still happy and joyous and filled with love she replies, “Because now I can spend all day every day in prayer. God has given me time to just be in prayer.   And what is better than spending time in God’s presence praying for friends,  the Church,  the community, world situations, and especially for those who hate!”   
Do to others as you would have them do to you.    

Prayer:  Wonderous God,  in all that we do and live and say this day  may we reflect Your love and Your glory.     Help us to share Your love with others so that Your people who are in need,  or poor,  or hungry may see You this day and be comforted.  But in everything and always,  may Your will be done.    This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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