Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Wednesday - Peace and Justice

Prayer:    Lord of Hosts,  You are full of compassion.   You are always with us and fill us with Your love.   This day O Lord,  we keep in prayer those in the world who are hungry and starving.   In Your mercy O Lord,  use us to comfort those in need.    This day O Lord,  we keep in prayer those in the world who have too much. In Your mercy O Lord,  use us to comfort those who have too much.   This we ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen.

Read  St. Luke  6: 25a

St Luke 6: 21  “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied”.  (NIV, Zondervan)
St Luke 6: 25a “Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry”  (NIV, Zondervan).

Way back in 1982,  World Council of Churches meet at Vancouver School of Theology.   Three youth delegates from the Presbyterian Church in Canada were chosen to work at this great meeting.      Youth from all over the world arrived and worked together in various areas of this meeting.  It was a great time of learning about other denominations and sharing stories of faith.     But what impressed the North American youth delegates was the surprise of most of the youth delegates from outside North American that they would be provided three meals a day.     For many of the youth delegates from outside North American,  having three meals a day was unheard of.      The North American Youth delegates got together and wanted to do something for their fellow delegates who lived in poverty and lacking in food.   So the North American Youth decided to have one day of fasting in support of the lives of their fellow delegates.      The idea fell apart when the youth delegates from outside North America scoffed and said, “One day without food will do nothing in support of those who live in hunger.   You will go hungry for one day only but know that the next day you will have food.  If you want to really do  something than help us bring peace and justice into this world .” 

So how do we bring peace and justice into this world?  By looking at examples of course!
One of the visitors at the 1982 World Council of Churches was Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu.    Tutu was preaching peace and justice then  and even though he is retired now,  Tutu continues to bring awareness to peace and justice.      One of the organizations that Tutu is involved in is with The Elders.    This is a group of people who are older who have wisdom to share with the world.   Not only did Tutu financial support this program but also was physically involved in this program.   

If you really want to do something to bring an end to world poverty and hunger,  then spend much time in prayer this day asking God how to involve you in bringing about peace and justice into all the lands.
Prayer:    God of Love and Peace and Justice,  we come before You now on bended knee.  We ask that peace and justice be spread throughout this world like a blanket covering the earth to provide life and comfort and Your love.    We bring before You those in the world who can not ask for peace and justice.   Be with them O Lord.  Help them to know that they are not alone.   Help them to know that we are here ready to serve and love in Your name.    We bring before You ourselves O Lord,  so that we can be Your hands and feet in this   world and bring about peace and justice.   This we ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen.

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