Monday, 7 January 2013

Monday - sharing the love of Christ

Prayer:  Almighty God,  we know that Heaven rejoices when we work together to bring Your gifts of love and peace and justice into our community.   Loving God,  make us aware of  the needs of our community so that we can bring Your love to those in need.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read St. Luke  6: 23

This verse actually is the response to St Luke 6: 22.    Here Jesus is telling the disciples that all Heaven rejoices and leap for joy when we hold ourselves accountable to God and bring others into the awareness of God…. which often causes others to be uncomfortable in that truth.  
Jesus then continues that this is exactly the same way their fathers treated the prophets.  The prophets came to the people and said, “Return to living the way God wants you to live”.     And the people didn’t like that the prophets were telling them they had slipped off the path to God.  

But how do we keep ourselves and others journeying on the path to God?    The simple answer is by example.  We must live out our lives in a way that others will say, “Your life is different !—how come?”

In the Synod of MB and NW ON,  one Session had a great idea of sharing the love of Christ in their community by  giving out Christmas hampers.  But instead of just working all by themselves,  they worked together with the other Churches in the community.   Rev Rob Murray, Minister of Pinawa Christian Fellowship,  says,  “The Pinawa Community Hamper Committee has representatives of all four churches in Pinawa (Pinawa Christian Fellowship, Alliance, RC and Lutheran) and some folks from the community at large. 57 hampers were sent out this year.   5 to households in Pinawa, the balance to households in Manigatogan, Hollow Water, and Seymourville, First Nations and a Metis Community to the North of us. P.C.F. provides a home for the committee (mailing address and church office support).”

Fifty-seven families were helped by four Churches this Christmas.  What an incredible example of how to live life as a Christian.   Not only did the four Churches work together to make a greater impact on the community but also showed the community that God’s faithful in different denominations can work together.  Wow!  What a great example!
And Heaven rejoices and leaps for joy.

How will you be an example in your community of what is means to be a Christian?  How will your Church be an example in your community of helping others?

Prayer:  Creator God,  You have given us the tools to become great examples in our community of Your love.  May we become examples of living life in You so that Heaven will rejoice and leap for joy.   Open our eyes so that we can see who in our community needs our help and prayers.  Open our hearts to Your calling so we are inspired to bring Your love to those in need. For the life You have given us and lead us on,  we give You thanks and praise.    This we ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen.

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