Saturday, 19 January 2013

Saturday - Centering Prayer

Centring for Prayer.   Often we rush into prayer because we have a list of people we need to bring to God in prayer.    But prayer should never be rushed.   Today,  we will be making time to centre ourselves and to slow our prayers down.

Sit in a comfortable place.    Breath in and breath out.  Focus on your breathing.    Think of each breath as bringing in God’s love when you breath in.   Think of each breath as expelling God’s peace when you breath out.   
Focus upon your breathing for a few minutes.    Breath in God’s  love.   Breath out God’s peace.

Before you begin praying,  think back over last week and ask yourself the following questions: 
*What was one thing that was a great joy in your life. 
*What was one thing you wish you could do over again (either to correct or enjoy)
*What was one thing you wished you could have done
*What is one church or charity organization that needs prayer
*What is one area of the world that needs prayer

Begin a time of prayer…. pray slowly and concentrate on your breathing after each prayer sentence…..

Holy God,  Holy Mighty,  Holy Immortal One  thank You that You are love and share Your love with us through Your Son,  Our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Lord Jesus Christ,  this past week,  my one great joy in my life was………..
Lord,  hear my prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ,  this past week,  one thing I wish I could do over again is…….
Lord,  hear my prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ,  this past week,  the one thing that I wished I could have accomplished for You is……..
Lord,  hear my prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ,  I bring before You  (church or charity)……..   Uplift them in the work that they do in Your name.
Lord, hear my prayer.
Lord Jesus Christ,  I bring before You  this area of the world that needs prayer……..
Lord, hear my prayer.
Great God,  grant my requests and petitions knowing that in all things may Your will be done.     Great God of love,   I give You thanks and praise that I can be Your hands and Your voice and Your feet in this world.    In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

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