Prayer: Into the silence of our hearts You have come O Infant King. You
have come yet again to love us and redeem our lives. Thank You! Hallelujah!
May we take the joy of Your birth and gift of eternal life with us this day in
all that we do and all that we say. Great God, we bow down in awe with the
birth of Your Son. Help us to ponder in our hearts the words that were spoken
by the angels and the shepherds at the birth of Your Son. Let us come to
Bethlehem and remember always the birth of our Saviour by sharing this Good News
with those in need this day and always. Alleluiah.
Read St. Luke 2: 1 – 12
Ooooh, King’s College Lessons and Carols was awesome yesterday. What a
wonderful rich time of worshipping the forthcoming birth of the Christ child.
It is a delight to be able to worship with all nations together by listening
to a broadcast online (that’s what happens when one is sick with the flu and
can’t get out to the local Church!)
For Presbyterians, THE day has finally arrived — the celebration of the
birth of Christ. Many Ministers, Elders, Choir Directors, Musicians, and
Choir members are now going “Phew! Made it”. Christmas Eve worship is now over
for another year. We rejoice in this worship. But I always wonder. Why do we
not have worship on Christmas Day as well? This is the day of our Saviour’s
birth…..should we not be celebrating this birth on this day too?
I often wonder what the community thinks when we hold worship on Christmas
Eve but nothing on Christmas Day. Does the community then view Christians as
not holding the Birth of Jesus as special and essential to our faith?
Rejoice together today that Christ our Saviour is born. Christ is present in
our lives today. Hallelujah!
Prayer: Emmanuel, Bright Morning Star, You come out of the darkness and
have given us the light to light up the nations. Your birth has given us the
love to heal the nations. You come with joy and delight and have given us the
imagination to share Your love with all nations. Hallelujah. Like the
shepherds, we bow down before You and worship You with our hearts and minds and
souls. Enable us to share Your love and Your healing with those we meet this
day and for ever more. This we ask in Your name, God with us, Amen.
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