Thursday, 20 December 2012

Thursday - With God, the Impossible becomes possible

Prayer:  O Lord, raise up,  we pray,  and come among us,  and with great might succour us;  that through our sins and wickedness, we are hindered in running the race that is met before us,  Your bountiful grace and mercy may speedily help and deliver us;  through the satisfaction of Your Son our Lord,  to whom with You and the Holy Ghost be honour and glory,  world without end.  Amen. (The Fourth Sunday in Advent Collect  Church of England  The Book of Common Prayer  pg 93)

Read  St Luke  1: 39 – 45

“Mary,  overwhelmed by all that had happened, hurried off to the hill country to see her cousin Elizabeth.  Sometimes it is very important to have an older friend who is not a parent, someone who can be both loving and objective.  Elizabeth was old enough to be Mary’s mother, but she, too,  was pregnant;   and when she saw Mary,  the unborn baby in her womb leaped for joy.  Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she, too,  accepted this Glorious Impossible without reservation or doubt.
How marvellous!  The unborn child in Elizabeth’s womb recognized the baby Mary had just begun to carry and leaped for joy!  With us it is impossible.  With God, nothing is impossible.  The stars in the sky above Mary and Elizabeth were brilliant; and the power that created all the galaxies, all the stars in their courses, had come into the womb of a very young girl.”
(Madeleine L’Engle  “The Glorious Impossible”.  Crosswicks Ltd,  1990)

Prayer:  Heavenly God,  we thank You that with You all things are possible.  You make the impossible into the possible.   We leap for joy at Your wonderful gift to us.  This we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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