Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Tuesday - Healing

Prayer:   Prepare our hearts this day, O Lord,  that we may hear the Word of God.  Prepare our hearts this day, O Lord,  that we may take what we learn today and rejoice.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read  St Luke  4: 38 – 44

Jesus taught about the scriptures and made the scriptures come alive. Jesus also healed people.   In this reading today,  we read of Jesus going to Simon’s  house.   Simon’s  mother-in-law was running a high fever.  The family asked Jesus to do something for her.    Jesus stood over her and told the fever to leave… and the fever left her.  
Then we  read that the mother-in-law got up and started getting dinner for the disciples.    Now,  Jesus did not heal because his stomach was hungry and he wanted some food.   Jesus healed because he was asked to help the woman.    And then the scriptures verify Jesus’ healing by stating that the woman got up and began making dinner.    She was completely  healed of her fever and went about her everyday chores.   
 Wow!  Usually when we get over a cold or the flu we feel like a jelly fish and need time to gather our strength.   But Jesus healed the woman so completely that she could bounce up from laying down and prepare supper. Wow.     

Before you begin praying today,  think about what one thing you will ask Jesus to heal and how this healing will help bring the hope of God into our hearts and neighbourhood. 
But in all things,  ask for God’s will to be done.  
Then think of three things that you are thankful for today.

Prayer:  Great God,  as we travel into this season of Advent,  we can come to You in thanks.   Help us today to see everything with a vision of gratitude to You.  We thank You for ……..   and ……..  and ………   We bring before you today one thing we ask Jesus to heal.....     But in all things,  may Your will be done.  Great God,  continue to live and reign in our hearts this Advent season and always.  Amen.

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