Sunday 9 December Advent 2 Listening in the Stillness and Preparing our Hearts for Peace
Prayer: Great God, we sit here in Your presence and listen in the stillness of our hearts for Your Voice. We sit here in Your presence and prepare our hearts for Your peace. We know that Jesus is coming, as God’s peace for us.
The promise of God is sure: ‘By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.’
In this season of Advent, we celebrate the coming of Jesus to bring peace, and we wait for the day when the hostilities that haunt and hurt our world have ceased.
Until that day, we follow the Prince of peace, practicing the peace and forgiveness Jesus brings, in our family, community, and fragmented world.
As the candle of peace is lit, embrace Jesus as God’s peacemaker, the One who redeems us from hatred and violence, and who will reign one day over a reconciled world.
We long for that day and work toward peace, in the power of Jesus.
The candle of peace is lit.
Sit in silence for a few minutes. Repeat the word “Maranatha”. This is a Greek word that means “Our Lord is Coming”. Maranatha. Mar a na tha. As you sit in silence, ask God to prepare your heart for peace. Think how you can share the gift of peace to this world, your neighbour, your friends, and your family.
Lord Jesus Christ, our peacemaker, as we celebrate your willingness to step into our tense and troubled world, help us to be instruments of your peace, bringing love where there is hatred, pardon where there is injury, and hope where there is despair. Amen.
Written by Rev. Dr. W. J. Clyde Ervine
Produced by Presbyterian World Service & Development
The development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada
1-800-619-7301 * *
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