Prayer: O Christ, You were brought into this world in the fullness of time to liberate all of creation. O Christ, born in the stable at Bethlehem to save the world, may Your Church be a sign of hope and joy. O Christ, truly god and truly human, bless us and fill us with the Love of God so that we can take Your light and live in a world of peace and love. Amen.
Read St John 1: 9 - 15
Bringing the light into the world. As Christians, we use this image of bringing the light of Christ into the world. The image of light is part of the Old and New Testament scriptures. But light will only be bright and shine when it is brought into the darkness. In John's gospel today, we read this exact image..... Jesus is the light that is brought into a dark world. A world full of hurt, and pain, and saddness, and chaos..... darkness.
So how do we bring the light of Christ into our world? How can we take this image of bringing light and lighting up a world of darkness? My cousin, Rev Steve Wilson, preached a sermon this Christmas Eve in the Dauphin Correctional Centre that asked about Christmas presents. Often after Christmas we get asked "So what did you get for Christmas?" This year, says Rev Steve, ask instead "What gift did you give this year?" What gift did you give this year so that the light of Christ will be brought and shine in the darkness.
Prayer: With joy let us pray to our Saviour, the Son of God made man and say to him: Son of the living God, have mercy upon us. O Christ, splendour of the Father's glory. Sustaining all the worlds by Your Word of power: we pray that our lives may ever be renewed by Your presence. Son of the living God, have mercy upon us. O Christ born into the world in the fullness of time for the salvation and liberation of every creature; we pray that all may receive freedom. Son of the living God, have mercy upon us. O Christ, begotten of the Father before all time, born in the stable at Bethlehem; we pray that Your Church may be a sign of poverty and joy. Son of the living God, have mercy upon us and grant us Your love. Amen. Taize Praise in all our Days Mowbray, 1981 pg 158.
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