Sunday, 23 December 2012

Sunday - Advent 4 Love

This is the fourth Sunday in Advent. We stand on the precipice of Advent and Christmas. What a great place to be! Preparing for the coming of the Christ child and knowing that we celebrate his birth in only two more sleeps. Today we listen in the stillness and prepare our hearts for LOVE. Okay, we try to listen in the stillness but if you are like our family, you are getting ready (or have already left if you are like my Husband who has driven 3 1/2 hours to lead worship with those in Winnipegosis MB) for worship today. Are you wrapping up that last Christmas present (or snipping off the threads of that last minute sewing project gift). Or if you are my son, you are out on a field training exercise in -32C windchill (prayers for those who are training to protect). Have you got your turkey up out of the deep freeze yet and placed in the fridge to thaw….. did you suddenly realize like we did that we over estimated the size of the turkey in proportion to the size of your fridge? And yet, in all the joy and celebration of the preparations of Advent to Christmas, there are the times we must listen and be still. King’s College Choir ‘s Annual Lessons and Carols is tomorrow… I’ve got the 48 page booklet printed off, my popcorn at the ready, and BBC Radio online all lined up so that we can worship with awe.

But today, remember to prepare yourself by listening for the Voice of God…..

Great God, we thank You that we can be in Your Glorious presence listening to Your voice. Your voice is filled with Love and glory. We sit here in Your presence and listen in the stillness of our hearts for Your voice. We sit here in Your presence and prepare our hearts for Your Love. We know that Jesus is coming …. Your gift to us…. given out of Your love so that we might live. ……

Sit in silence for a few minutes. Just sit. Slowly in the silence, repeat the Greek word “Maranatha”– Our Lord is coming. Say this word slowly four time….. Maranatha…… Mar a na tha…… Maranatha…….. Mar a na tha.

Thank You Holy God that we may delight in knowing that the birth of the Christ Child is coming soon. May we get out of our comfortable places and take the excitement of this Glorious birth to our family and friends and neighbours. Help us this day O Divine Healer to share Your love with those in need. (silent prayer for those whom you know are in need this day) Christ has come. Christ is coming. Christ is coming soon. Alleluiah! Amen.

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