Monday, 31 December 2012

Monday - Standing on the edge of the new Year

Prayer:     Gracious God,  You bring light to chase away the darkness from our world.  Remind us as we stand on the edge of the new year and kindle a flame in our hearts so that we can share this flame and this love with others.   This day,  we especially pray for those who are in need of Your love and Your joy,  let us become a beacon of light to their need.     Almighty God,  You erase our sins and make all things new.... may we also make new our relationships with our family and friends and neighbours.    Help us,  Emmanual,  to do Your will this day and every day of our lives.   Amen.

Standing on the edge of the new year.    People here in Brandon are getting together for New Year's parties.  Others,  like us,  spend a quiet evening and will probably fall asleep before midnight.   We wish each other a Happy New Year and relish in the idea that all things are new.    A new year,  a new day,  new changes in attitude.   This is also the time of year when a lot of people make New Year's  Resolutions.    On our local TV today was a couple of people extolling how to keep one's resolutions.    And the resolutions all are thinking of one's self.   Loosing weight,  stop smoking,  stop drinking,  exercising more,  gaining a better attitude.       As Christians,  we have already been forgiven so keeping resolutions for one's self is kind of a misnomer.   What we need to do instead is ask ourselves,  "What charity is God asking us to help with this year?"   and  "How can we serve God fully this year?"        

Prayer:    Divine Healer,  we stand on the edge of this new year with great expectations of being able to serve You and love You with a greater fullness.    Inspire our hearts, O Lord,  to seek out where to serve You this year --   whether it be a local charity or a charity in the world.  Great God,  we thank You for the challenges of this past year and for the new adventures You will provide for us in this new year.   Come Lord Jesus, sanctify us wholly,  keeping us blameless in body, mind, and soul and with imagination and enthusiaism to serve You all the days of our life.    This we ask in Your Son,  our Lord's  name.  Amen.       

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